Take the conversation to our IdeaStream forum where you can further discuss the themes raised in our launch event and consultations.
We want to ensure that there is enough water available in the future to satisfy everyone’s needs. As we do that we want to make sure our water supplies are truly sustainable and purse wider benefits, for the economy, and for people’s wellbeing through the work we do. Our vision is that we will realise these opportunities by working together in a collaborative way. Given the scale of ambition, the abstractors can’t do this on their own. We also need input from a wide range of stakeholders. We will need your feedback and your ideas.
IdeaStream covers Options, Water Transfers and Environmental Destination consultations. Under each consultation below, a series of themes are laid out for you to click and join the discussion.
Click on the relevant IdeaStream forum below to take the conversation further.
We would like to hear your thoughts on this so enter the IdeaStream and discuss the Initial Resource Position here.
If you want to join the conversation in the Options consultation forum, please click here to find out more.
If there are any additional questions or topics you would like to see us add to the forum, please get in touch and email us at
If there are any additional questions or topics you would like to see us add to the forum, please get in touch and email us at
If there are any additional questions or topics you would like to see us add to the forum, please get in touch and email us at
Coming Soon
Today’s biggest challenge is the future of water. By 2050 we’re going to need over 200 million additional litres per day. We must work together, innovate together and challenge each other. Let’s act now and make it happen.
Join the IdeaStream, bring your own ideas and collaborate with others. Let’s change the future of water.