Wider Benefits

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  • #1075

    At our launch event interesting questions were raised about the potential for multiple benefits though our water resources planning. Flood risk, agricultural land and natural capital were raised as benefits to be considered.

    Please share your thoughts on how meeting our water resources needs might bring wider benefits here. Do you have any suggestions for adapting any water resources options to bring wider benefits?


    You may be interested in a recent report produced by the Water Industry Forum entitled ‘Natural Capital Principles for the Water Industry’ available to download here: http://www.waterindustryforum.com/whatsnew/water-industry-forum-facilitates-best-practice-guide-on-natural-capital/.
    The report is seen as a best practice guide for water companies and regulators to help design and apply Natural Capital type tools – ultimately with the aim of making more sustainable investment decisions and delivering better outcomes for water customers, society and the environment.

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