At our launch event questions some questions were asked about different plans, how we engage with them and how they fit together.
One aspect of this is the Local Plans that local authorities prepare to shape future development in their areas. We encourage local authorities to consult with WRW and the water companies and our other members as they prepare their local plans.
Another aspect is catchment planning. Catchment partnerships collaborate in catchment planning and this is part of an integrated Catchment Based Approach feeding in to River Basin Management Plans. These plans are prepared in the context of other plans including water resources plans. The abstraction licensing strategies (CAMS process) is an important consideration for understanding future water availability.
WRW has a number of workstreams underway to better understand the future regional water needs and the potential options we have to meet the future challenges. These workstreams will look to engage with the relevant planning processes, for example, our environmental destination work with catchment partnerships through IdeaStream and more directly.
Please share your thoughts on joining-up plans here.