Let’s Talk – IdeaStream

Join the IdeaStream, bring your own ideas and collaborate with
others. Let’s change the future of water.

Non-Public Water Supplies

We’d like to help make sure that all sectors are aware of the increased risk of drought in the future, and help them to put plans in place to mitigate any potential risk to their businesses.  We also want to encourage all abstractors to work together to develop sustainable solutions for the future such as shared storage and licence sharing.

We welcome all thoughts and contributions from non-Public Water Supply abstractors and are actively seeking opportunities to engage and talk to licence holders in all sectors.  If you would like to talk to us please contact us here.

We would like the non-PWS sectors to complete this survey so we can hear as many views as possible. This survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete

Draft Regional Plan

Water Resources West has published the draft version of the Regional Plan. This Plan presents an updated assessment of the region’s water needs; reflecting growth, climate change and our environmental destination. It explores a range of options to meet those needs, identifies those which form part of the draft best value plan, and explores the role that transfers might play in supporting national resilience.


Water Resources West brings a wide range of water abstractors and supporting organisations to plan the future of water resources. Our Options consultation provides a platform to identify new options to meet those needs, share ideas and encourage multi-sector collaboration. If you have a water source, are developing an asset that could help bring wider benefits, or have innovative ideas to reduce water demand we want to hear from you.

Register for IdeaStream

To register for an IdeaStream account and join the conversation, please click the link below

Water Transfers

We need to work together to ensure the future of water for all of our customers, businesses and the natural environment. Our Water Transfers consultation is an opportunity for stakeholders for stakeholders to give us feedback and views on our plans as they develop.

Environmental Destination

Our regional plan brings the opportunity to plan delivery of an Environmental Destination for water resources. This will consider long term opportunities to address environmental issues related to water resources. Through these plans we can consider future water abstraction along with other supply and demand issues and opportunities. The regional plan is considering a timeframe to 2050 and beyond. 

Emerging Plan

Water Resources West is a group of abstractors, their representatives, and their regulators. We have formed this collaborative group to join-up planning for water resources across the cross-border catchments between England and Wales, the North West of England, and the Midlands.

The area we cover is facing a number of huge challenges, with climate change and population growth putting increasing pressure on water resources. In less than 25 years a lack of water could limit growth and employment opportunities and have a very real impact on people’s everyday lives.