Options Workshop Brings Stakeholders Together

Options Workshop Brings Stakeholders Together

The Water Resources West consultation on options was given a boost with a virtual workshop on 13 November. The event was attended by a core group of water asset owners, suppliers and regulators with the opportunity to collaborate and identify existing assets.

At the workshop we described the ambitions of the Water Resources West plan and how stakeholders can get involved in helping to shape the long-term water supplies for the region.

The workshop was held using an innovative virtual platform, bringing stakeholders together virtually to discuss creating new sources of supply such as re-purposing existing assets, collaborating on developing shared water resources and trading abstraction rights.

The aim of the Options consultation is to understand the possible opportunities to develop new sources of water supply that could meet all of our needs for the future and improve the supply of existing sources.

We want to explore the water using needs of the different sectors operating across our region and to understand whether you may have ideas, such as developing new sources of water supply or for sharing and adapting existing sources of water abstraction and storage.

Marcus O’Kane, Water Resources West, said:

“The Options consultation was launched with a fantastic virtual workshop that brought together key stakeholders with an interest in water assets across our regions.

Following the workshop, stakeholders can take the conversation to IdeaStream and collaborate further to discuss options in creating a more sustainable water sector in the West.”

To join in the conversation on IdeaStream, please click this link. For further questions about Water Resources West or the Options consultation, please email the team at waterresourceswest@outlook.com.

Water Resources West Launched

Water Resources West Launched

Water Resources West launched with a fantastic event on Friday 16 October 2020, with around 70 people from multiple sectors attending.

The launch event was led by Richard Blackwell, Director of Water Resources West, and Gaynor Murphy, Stakeholder Lead, who outlined the aims of the organisation and the challenges water faces.

Water Resources West (WRW) has been set up to look at a long term plan for water resources across the cross border catchments between England and Wales, the North West of England, and the Midlands. WRW consists of a group of abstractors, their representatives and regulators. Over the next three years we will be developing plans for sustainable and resilient water supplies for all abstractors across this wide area ensuring the sustainability of water resources, considering wider societal needs, environmental improvement and working across sectors.

The event provided the opportunity to introduce people to the consultations run by Water Resources West.

A high-profile panel with speakers featured at the event, including:

  • Dan Rogerson (Chair, Water Resources West)
  • Margaret Read (Director, Stakeholder & Programme, RAPID)
  • Mike Morris (CEO, Severn Rivers Trust)
  • Ian Brown (Head of Water Resources, Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water)
  • Adam Briggs (Environment & Land User Advisor, NFU North West)

The launch event also enabled guests to network outside of the speaking sections and begin consulting with other stakeholders. Delegates were able to ask questions to the panel and engage with panellists after the event in breakout tables. If you missed the launch event, you can view the video here.

Richard Blackwell, Director of Water Resources West, said:

“We are excited by the interest shown in the Water Resources West launch event, which was well attended and introduced our consultations, wider ambitions and long-term vision.

We have come together to form Water Resources West and beat the challenges facing water users to deliver sustainable water resources for 2050 and beyond.

I can’t wait to work with the stakeholders who have shown interest so far and to progress our plans further.”

To join in the conversation on IdeaStream, please click this link. For further questions about Water Resources West, please email the team at waterresourceswest@outlook.com.

IdeaStream: A Forum for Stakeholders

IdeaStream: A Forum for Stakeholders

Following our programme of consultations for stakeholders across the water sector, we want to carry on the conversation. To do this, we developed IdeaStream.

IdeaStream is an online portal for stakeholders to share thoughts and ideas beyond the consultations.

Each of our ongoing consultations has its own IdeaStream forum – you can find the relevant one at the links below:

IdeaStream is a collaborative platform designed to generate ideas and connect you with relevant stakeholders including water providers, users, regulators, planners, landowners and interested groups. By working together through IdeaStream, you can pool your thoughts and work in partnership with interested parties.

We will be uploading information and discussion documents for you to provide feedback on and spark further engagement with stakeholders.

Richard Blackwell, Director of Water Resources West, said:

“IdeaStream is an innovative and interactive platform for stakeholders to collaborate, discuss and build relationships across sectors.

Through IdeaStream, you can share ideas and work together planning tomorrow’s water today.

To join in the conversation on IdeaStream, please click this link. For further questions about Water Resources West, please email the team at waterresourceswest@outlook.com.